A Little About Me
I was born and raised in Cordoba, Argentina, and recently moved to Mendoza. Before pursuing graphic design, I studied Biology for two years. Although I realized it wasn't the right path for me, it provided me with a fresh perspective and knowledge about the universe and the living things around us. I have a deep passion for nature and enjoy creating botanical illustrations 🌿✏️
I studied Graphic Design at Blas Pascal University and had the opportunity to explore various aspects of design, including lettering, illustration, and alternative printing methods. A few years ago, I embarked on my journey into the field of UX-UI design by taking courses, learning, and working on web and e-commerce design projects.
As a remote freelancer for over eight years, I find immense joy in the freedom and flexibility it brings. Undoubtedly, my furry companion 🐶 takes advantage of having me around. I also dedicate a few hours each week to my favorite hobby: ceramics! It not only brings me joy but also helps me stay grounded and get my creativity to flow.
If you would like to learn more about my work or career, please feel free to download my CV here. Additionally, you can reach out to me through this website for any inquiries or simply to say hi 👋
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